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Body Measurements Army

Men are measured at the neck and waist. For armed forces female applicants the cause for rejection to the us. Department of defense goal. After meeting the initial qualifications a persons body fat will be measured periodically. For females the formula is body fat 163205 x log10waist hip neck 97684 x log10height 78387. Exceeding army body fat standards soldiers who exceed the maximum weight shown on the charts below during an exam will be measured for body fat content.

Therefore if you fall outside this range you will be rejected. Height range is 50 to 68 males and 410 to 68 for females. The army navy and marine corps use a basic height weight body mass index tool as an initial assessment and then those who exceed weight limits get taped. Here is a calculator to measure your height and weight requirements as you prepare for basic combat training. Military is height less than 58 inches and more than 80 inches. The department of defense formula to compute body fat percentage is somewhat complicated.

18 body fat for males and 26 body fat for females. Those who fail to meet the requirements may be put on a mandatory weight loss program and may be subject to administrative sanctions. Neck waist and hips. The ideal height range for male applicants to the armed forces is between 60 inches and 80 inches. The minimum age is 17. Soldiers are weighed at least twice per year usually in conjunction with the army physical fitness test to ensure they meet army standards for weight and fitness.

Army physical requirements body fat calculator note. For males the formula is body fat 86010 x log10abdomen neck 70041 x log10height 3676.

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